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The Spanish contingent in Mali supports the stability of this part of the Sahel Area through its training activities.

November 2, 2022
  • The Spanish contingent in Mali supports the stability of this part of the Sahel Area through its training activities.

In the areas of Bamako (capital of Mali) and Koulikoro, the Spanish Armed Forces continue their daily work to achieve the objectives of the European Union Training Mission (EUTM) Mali, which has been deployed for ten years with different military units and framed in a European force.

Currently, the Spanish contingent belongs (for the most part) to the VII `Galicia´ Brigade, which is the unit assigned to carry out the EUTM Mali XX , an essential mission within the framework of the European Union. In this mission, a group of European instructors (among them Spanish) carry out the training of the Malian armed forces. Likewise, through the 'Santiago I/12' Tactical Force Protection Group , composed of members of the 12th Cavalry Regiment 'Farnesio' and the Marines, tasks are carried out to ensure the safety of its members throughout the operational environment.

For this reason, and during the course of the EUTM Mali operation, the different activities carried out by the personnel of the Spanish contingent involve a wide range of activities. Among them, and in order to ensure the stability and security of the area where they are deployed, reconnaissance patrols are continuously carried out, not only for the security of the armed forces, but also for the safety of the local population.

In addition to the aforementioned patrols, a variety of tactical equipment is used, including the use of heavy vehicles such as Lince or RG31 vehicles, as well as drones to monitor and prevent any possible threat that may occur during the operation.

In reconnaissance patrols, it is extremely important to use telecommunications systems that allow a real-time flow of information, thus facilitating the command's decision making in any adverse situation. For this reason, both the equipment and the personnel of the transmission unit are crucial for the course of the operations

In addition, the search of ordinary vehicles and vehicles of different tonnages is carried out by specialized personnel, who ensure that no suspicious devices can have access to the facilities where the personnel are deployed.

In Mali, as in any other international mission, a direct link between the national territory and the area of operations where the current contingent is deployed is necessary. Therefore, logistical movements are mainly based on cargo and personnel transfers between military bases and Bamako airport, being necessary the accompaniment and escorts to convoys by the Tactical Force Protection Group, ensuring that cargo and personnel reach their destination.
