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Spanish CIMIC team donates audiovisual equipment to the Association of Young Deaf People for Development in Mali

March 11, 2021
  • Spanish forces in Mali hand over 10 televisions and 10 computers to improve education for Malian youths

The CIMIC (Civil-Military Cooperation) team of the Spanish contingent that is part of the EUTM Mali mission has given away hardware donated by the Ministry of Defence to the Association of Young Deaf People for the Development of Mali (AJSDM). Within the activities planned to celebrate International Women's Day in Bamako, 10 televisions, 6 desktop computers and 4 laptops were handed over to this association.

AJSDM works for the development and growth of young deaf people in Mali, especially for their full integration into society, and has been carrying out training activities since 2014. It has several branches across the country and a special committee dedicated to women with hearing impairment.

In a colourful and joyful ceremony, the president of the AJSDM expressed his gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Defence and the members of our Armed Forces in EUTM Mali for making this donation of equipment a reality. With it, the association will have more sophisticated and efficient resources to improve their daily work and how they manage their projects.

In his speech, Lieutenant Colonel Carmelo, head of the CIMIC team, on behalf of General Gracia, head of the EUTM Mali force, said a few words highlighting the work of Malian women and, in particular, the women who are part of this association, stressing that they are a fundamental pillar of Malian society and the Malian people, indispensable for the development of a modern and harmonious country.
