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The Spanish contingent in Mali celebrates an event in memory of Corporal Carrero Jiménez

January 7, 2020

The Marine Corps soldier died in the line of duty in Mali in 2018

On the occasion of the change of the monolith plaque in memory of the Marine Corps Corporal Antonio Carrero Jiménez, the Spanish contingent deployed at the Koulikoro Training Center held an event in memory of the soldier deceased in 2018.

In the act, chaired by the head of the Spanish Contingent in Mali, the Marines deployed in this operation of the European Union, belonging to the First Landing Battalion of the Marine Corps  (San Fernando, Cádiz), stood to attention.

They were accompanied by the legionaries of the X Spanish Legion “Bandera” Battalion ‘Millán Astray’ and the rest of the Army personnel deployed in Koulikoro. The act ended with some words from the head of the Spanish Contingent in Mali, in which the values of the Spanish military men were highlighted. These values allowed  us“to be a reference in the EUTM Mali operation”
