Admiral General Teodoro Esteban López Calderon, Chief of Defence, affirms that it is expected at this NATO summit an update on the measures we have to implement at the Armed Forces level to make our environment safer from the previous strategic concept.
In this sense, he stated that “this will allow us to have a more efficient and quicker response capability, a key issue”. The CHOD believes that the way to include Ceuta and Melilla in the new strategic defence concept is correct and he adds that "going further would be impossible right now, but with that specificity, countries’ integrity is assured and protected".
Right now, the JEMAD highlights that taking into mind the military personnel reinforcement, the most important issue is that “we might have a larger number of enlisted personnel with a higher level of training in order to react wherever is necessary and in a very short time. This new model will force us to have more units deployed”. Thus, he assures, "we will see improvements in respect to a potential ballistic missile attack."