The CESEDEN will be structured as follows:
The ESFAS will be structured as follows:
The IEEE will be structured into:
The DCDD will be structured as follows:
The New Education Technologies Section (SENTE) will be responsible for promoting the development and implementation of innovative processes and technologies that enhance National Defence Higher Education, joint advanced education and research in Security and Defence and its dissemination.
The Spanish Commission of Military History (CEHISMI) will be a collegiate body that will promote, foster and develop activities related to Military History that affect more than one of the Armies, the Navy and the Civil Guard and will exercise national representation in international military history organisations in those cases in which it is so agreed. Its functions and composition are set out in Ministerial Order 245/1999, of 22 October, reorganising the Spanish Military History Commission.
La Sección Económico Administrativa (SEA) será responsable de gestionar los recursos económicos asignados y asesorar en materia económico-financiera al director del CESEDEN. Depende funcionalmente de la JAE del EMAD. Asimismo, actuará como elemento de apoyo y enlace entre la JAE del EMAD y el CESEDEN en cuestiones de contratación y gestión económico-administrativa.