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Sede del EMAD

Centre for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN)

  1. The Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN), the main joint military educational centre, will be responsible for planning and teaching the courses of Higher National Defence Studies. It will also design the curricula and entry and exit profiles for joint advanced training courses, plan and teach those that are determined, as well as plan, coordinate and supervise those joint courses that are taught in other military educational centres in coordination with the Army and the Navy.
  2. It shall promote cooperation, by means of the relevant agreements, with other areas of the Administration and shall establish collaborations with universities, Defence University Centres and other public and private corporations. It will promote the drawing up of agreements with these entities and universities that favour the achievement of its tasks.
  3. The CESEDEN will be responsible for researching and promoting studies on subjects related to Security and Defence and Military History and contributing to the Dissemination of Defence Culture. It will also promote the development and implementation of innovative processes and technologies that enhance military education and research in Security and Defence.
  4. In the performance of its activities, CESEDEN will functionally depend on the Under-Secretariat of Defence for matters related to military education and on the General Secretariat of Defence Policy for matters related to the dissemination of the Culture of Security and Defence.

Name:   Miguel Ballenilla y García de Gamarra.

Rank:   Lieutenant General .

Office: CESEDEN Director.

CESEDEN Director´s Biography

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Estructura del CESEDEN

The CESEDEN will be structured as follows:

  1. Directorate.
  2. Private Secretariat.
  3. General Secretariat of CESEDEN (SEGEN-CESEDEN).
  4. Higher School of the Armed Forces (ESFAS).
  5. Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE).
  6. Department of Defence Culture and Diplomacy (DCDD).
  7. Section for New Education Technologies (SENTE).
  8. Spanish Commission of Military History (CEHISMI).
  9. Head of Support and Services (JAS-CESEDEN).
  10. Economic and Administrative Section (SEA).
  1. The General Secretariat of the Higher Centre for National Defence Studies (SEGEN-CESEDEN) will be the body responsible for assisting the Director of CESEDEN in the exercise of his functions. It will provide technical-administrative support to the subordinate bodies and organisations of the CESEDEN for the coordination of their activities.
  2. It will be responsible for advising, supporting and coordinating matters which, being the responsibility of the centre, are not specific to the bodies of which it is composed.
  3. It will organise or, where appropriate, coordinate the institutional events and activities of the Centre that are not specifically educational, derived from the different agreements, programmes and plans; it will channel CESEDEN's external relations and coordinate CESEDEN's Strategic Communication with the EMACON and the GABTECJEMAD.
  1. The Escuela Superior de las Fuerzas Armadas (ESFAS), a military educational centre for Higher National Defence Studies, will be responsible for planning and teaching the refresher courses for the performance of General Officer duties, the FAS General Staff and the FAS Senior Management courses. He shall also be responsible for planning and conducting such joint refresher training courses as may be determined.
  2. It will also be responsible for planning, coordinating and supervising those joint advanced training courses that may be developed in other military educational centres, in coordination with the Armies and the Navy, analysing the viability of these courses and designing their curricula and entry and graduation profiles, in accordance with the needs and guidelines determined by the JEMAD.
  3. The ESFAS will be responsible for organising and delivering the joint module of the training courses for promotion of Armed Forces and Guardia Civil personnel to be determined.

 The ESFAS will be structured as follows:

  1. Directorate (DIESFAS).
  2. Head of Studies (JEST), which is made up of :
    • Secretariat of Studies (SEEST).
    • Planning Section (SEPLA).
    • Section for Advanced Studies (SEALE).
    • Joint Further Education Section (SEEPC).
    • Tutorial Action Section (SEACT).
    • Department of Organisation and Leadership (DLID).
    • Department of Strategy, Security and Defence (DESD).
    • Department of Defence Planning (DPLD).
    • Department of Operations (DOPE).
    • Department of Intelligence (DINT).
  1. The Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE) will be responsible for researching, analysing and disseminating the results on issues related to Security and Defence within the framework of the CESEDEN's research axes, which will be developed in a manner consistent with national interests and the JEMAD's guidelines.
  2. It will contribute to the effort to promote and disseminate the Culture of Security and Defence through the dissemination of research in these fields together with collaborators outside CESEDEN.

The IEEE will be structured into:

  1. Directorate (DIEEE).
  2. Research and Analysis Section (SIA).
  3. Dissemination and Publication Section (SDP).
  1. The Department of Defence Culture and Diplomacy (DCDD) will be responsible for organising and giving courses in Advanced National Defence Studies and other activities leading to the promotion and dissemination of the Culture of Security and Defence, as well as organising and giving those courses that have been considered Advanced National Defence Studies for general officers and officers, both national and foreign, indicated by the JEMAD in order to contribute to Defence Diplomacy.

The DCDD will be structured as follows:

  1. Directorate (DIDCDD).
  2. Secretariat (SDCDD).
  3. Defence Diplomacy Section (SDD).
  4. Defence Culture Section (SCD).

The New Education Technologies Section (SENTE) will be responsible for promoting the development and implementation of innovative processes and technologies that enhance National Defence Higher Education, joint advanced education and research in Security and Defence and its dissemination.

The Spanish Commission of Military History (CEHISMI) will be a collegiate body that will promote, foster and develop activities related to Military History that affect more than one of the Armies, the Navy and the Civil Guard and will exercise national representation in international military history organisations in those cases in which it is so agreed. Its functions and composition are set out in Ministerial Order 245/1999, of 22 October, reorganising the Spanish Military History Commission.

  1. The Head of Support and Services (JAS-CESEDEN) will provide the necessary support for the operation and maintenance of the CESEDEN and its facilities. It will guarantee the security of the CESEDEN's personnel, resources and facilities.
  2. It will also conserve and maintain the CESEDEN's infrastructure and equipment and will take the necessary steps in terms of occupational risk prevention, the environment and energy efficiency.
  3. The CESEDEN's JAS-CESEDEN will be functionally related to the JESESES-CGEMAD within the scope of its functions and tasks.

La Sección Económico Administrativa (SEA) será responsable de gestionar los recursos económicos asignados y asesorar en materia económico-financiera al director del CESEDEN. Depende funcionalmente de la JAE del EMAD. Asimismo, actuará como elemento de apoyo y enlace entre la JAE del EMAD y el CESEDEN en cuestiones de contratación y gestión económico-administrativa.