Rear Admiral Francisco Javier Roca Rivero, Commander of the Joint Cyberspace Command (JCCCCE), has participated as an expert in cyber Defense in the ABC Forum on Innovation and Defense. This forum brings together experts from civil and military society to discuss the need to invest in the booming Defense industry.
Lieutenant Colonel Alberto de Diego Álvarez, Head of the Technical Support and Operations Group, also represented the MCCE. The Deputy Director General of Military Education, Brigadier Juan Manuel Sánchez Aldao, also attended this Forum.
The Commander of the MCCE had the opportunity to bring his extensive experience to this Forum, highlighting the fundamental value of the human component in an era in which we are entering the absolute dominance and evolution of technology. ‘We are not in the era of change, but in a change of era’, said the rear admiral, referring to the pivotal moment we occupy in this historical space in which we live.
Lieutenant Colonel de Diego, for his part, has highlighted the risks of implementing artificial intelligence within the military environment. The reliability and predictability of AI must be a ponderable issue under the control of our forces. In line with the CMCCE's words, the lieutenant colonel also reaffirmed the need for human personnel who can always supervise any operation carried out using AI.
Finally, the MCCE representative mentioned the conflict in Ukraine as a tangible example of how technology, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence are playing important roles in this modern war scenario.
Such meetings between companies, media and civilian experts and military authorities serve, among other things, to strengthen the much-needed relationship between them, the main guarantee that will enable our National Defence to safeguard our values, objectives and integrity as a strong and successful nation.