The Deputy Commander of the Joint Cyberspace Command (MCCE), Brigadier General Federico Juste de Santa Ana, represented the Commander of the Joint Cyberspace Command at the ordinary session of the VII Ibero-American Cyber Defence Forum (FIC), held in Rio de Janeiro.
Chaired by DG Alan Denilson Lima Costa (COMDCIBER), the FIC member countries continued to reaffirm their commitment to cooperation and information exchange on cyber security. Among other issues discussed were the coordination of the MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) service for FIC members and the exchange of training between countries.
The Forum is an initiative that began in 2016 in Madrid, during a meeting of the cyber defence delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Spain. Subsequently, Uruguay, Guatemala, Portugal and the Dominican Republic joined. Its objective is to promote mutual support in personnel training, encourage participation in workshops and exercises, and establish procedures for support in research, development and innovation.
Following the conclusion of this new iteration of the FIC, Spain has assumed the Pro-Tempore Office for the 8th edition.
Our country will organise and lead the next meeting of this organisation, always showing itself to be a reliable and exemplary ally, with the aim of increasing the number of countries belonging to the Forum, as it did during the VI edition, incorporating the Dominican Republic.