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Portugal’s CHOD appreciates the support of Spanish military in the evacuation of Afghans

June 28, 2022
  • The Commander of the Operations Command (MOPS) was awarded with the “São Jorge” medal for the support to the Portuguese Armed Forces during the evacuation operation of the Afghan collaborators

The Portuguese ambassador to Spain, João Mira-Gomes, presided over the presentation of the “Cruz de São Jorge” medals and crosses to the Commander of the Operations Command, Lieutenant General Francisco Braco Carbó, Colonel Alfonso Álvarez Planelles, Major Jorge Vilares and Captain Pablo Roca. This award is made in recognition of the support of our Armed Forces to the Portuguese Armed Forces unit deployed to Afghanistan for the evacuation of Afghan personnel who had collaborated with Portugal.

Portugal’s Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff, Admiral António Silva, stated in his speech that he granted this recognition as a token of gratitude for the work they carried out in Afghanistan, providing support to the Armed Forces, "an additional sign of the commitment between both countries and our mutual collaboration”. Likewise, he wanted to recognize the "excellent professional abilities" of the Spanish military, "whose support was essential for our units to carry out their work successfully."

Lieutenant General Francisco Braco recalled that they worked very closely during those difficult days in Afghanistan, but that coordination between both Armed Forces is constant on a daily basis. “All our credit was to follow the orders of our Admiral General, Chief of Defence Staff -present at the event-, who ordered us to support our Portuguese comrades with all available means. And we also did it wholeheartedly”, the CMOPS said. “The cooperation between us on the ground is nothing more than a true reflection of our common history and the brotherhood that exists between our nations.

To conclude, Lieutenant General affirmed that these collaborations are always fruitful for our nations, "they always take place in an excellent environment and promote the defence of our interests." As a recent example, he highlighted the work between the Spanish and Portuguese contingents, in the Spanish base in Besmayah in Iraq or in Operation Atalanta with a Portuguese admiral in command of the FOQ in a Spanish frigate.
