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Director of Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence takes over

Hoyo de Manzanares, Madrid
March 18, 2022
  • The C-IED CoE is an international military organization hosted by Spain with 12 participating nations

The Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence hosted this morning the Centre's National Element HOTO ceremony. Colonel Jose Antonio Cruz Moro has handed over the command to Lieutenant Colonel Javier Corbacho Margallo.

The ceremony was presided over by the Chief of Defense Staff, admiral general Teodoro Esteban López Calderón and attended by civilian and military authorities, representatives of several Spanish institutions represented at the Centre and, also, Defense and Military attachés from the participating nations, as well as representatives of the Centre's Steering Committee.

After three years in office, colonel Cruz has maintained the pace of activities and projects of the Centre, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, he managed to continue with ALL the activities, courses and events that recommended the physical presence to maintain the level of excellence and quality in the results required by NATO.

In his final speech, he acknowledged the work done by the Centre's staff during his tenure and the support received by the ESP CHOD and other defence Staff officials. He also thanked the representatives of the Centre's participating nations for their collaboration and support.

Lieutenant colonel Corbacho takes command of the C-IED CoE after being the head of the Centre's 'Branch Attack the Networks' from June 2015 to August 2017, filling the position of Executive Officer (Chief of Staff) from August 2020 until today.

Since his appointment as an Artillery Lieutenant in 1992, he has filled positions in different Artillery units  and in its Branch Academy as professor. After graduating as a Staff Officer in 2005, he has filled posts in different Spanish and international Headquarters. In addition, he has a wide experience in the field of C-IED fight.

In his speech, he thanked ESP CHOD for having chosen him as director of the CoE and offered him his full loyalty during his tenure. He also acknowledged all those involved in his personal and professional evolution until reaching this significant moment in his professional career by outlining what the future direction of the CoE should be in the coming years.

On the other hand, ESP CHOD thanked Colonel Cruz for his work and expressed his appreciation for the high level of preparation and knowledge of this centre, which offers its expertise in this field, to support the Alliance, its partners and the international community in the struggle against IED's.

Admiral López Calderón also congratulated lieutenant colonel Corbacho for his new position and wished him the best luck in his future responsibilities.

Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence (C-IED CoE)

The C-IED CoE, located at Hoyo de Manzanares in Madrid is one of NATO's 28 accredited centres of excellence. Its mission is to provide expert support to NATO, NATO partners and the International Community in the fight against the IED System in order to increase the security of deployed troops, reducing or eliminating the threat.

The Centre was offered by Spain to the Alliance as part of its network of Centers of Excellence and accredited in November 2010.
