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The Spanish Ambassador to Italy visits the Allied Joint Force Command in Naples

Naples, Italy
December 14, 2021
  • This is the first visit by a Spanish Ambassador since the HQ moved from Bagnoli to its current location in Lago Patria in 2012.

The Spanish Ambassador to Italy, Alfonso Dastis Quecedo, visited the NATO Joint Force Command Headquarters in Naples (JFCNP), accompanied by Consul General Carlos Maldonado Valcárcely and Colonel Juan N. Núñez Vázquez, Defense Attaché in Italy.

The Spanish Ambassador was received by the Deputy Commander (DCOM), Lieutenant General Jocelyn Paul (CAN-A) and the Spanish senior officer in Italy, Rear Admiral Francisco J. Asensi Pérez.

The Ambassador received a detailed explanation of the JFCNP's organization and tasks. On-going operations were also explained, followed by a brief briefing by Rear Admiral Asensi as ACOS J5 (Plans).

The Ambassador also visited the facilities of the NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub, a centre for engagement and information exchange between NATO and the Security and Defence Organizations of African countries.

Before leaving the headquarters, the ambassador held a meeting with the national contingent, in which the current participation of the Armed Forces in NATO operations was presented, as well as the distribution and duties of the personnel and the social, cultural, recreational and cohesion activities carried out.

Spanish Contingent in Naples

The Spanish contingent in Naples is made up of personnel assigned to the Joint Force Command Headquarters, the Joint Logistics Support Group (JLSG), the NSD-Hub and the Second NATO Signal Battalion, located in the towns of Lago Patria and Grazzanise respectively.

It is currently made up of 61 men and 6 women belonging to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Military Legal Corps and Guardia Civil (Civil Guard). 
