The Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral General Teodoro Esteban López Calderón, has given a lecture to the students of the XLV National Defence Course and the LVIII Monographic Course on National Defence. The lecture was entitled "Current and Foreseeable Strategic Environment. Transformation of the Spanish Armed Forces".
The Chief of Defence Staff wanted to share his vision with the students on the current geostrategic environment, placing Spain and its Armed Forces in this geostrategic environment.
During his lecture, he highlighted the strategic relevance of Spain due to its important historical and cultural ties with a large part of the world, as well as its geographical location, which offers us opportunities to act as a bridge, both between continents -fostering a strong transatlantic link- and cultures, facilitating dialogue and cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean.
He also stressed that many of today's challenges and threats are increasingly played out in the grey zone, through hybrid actions that employ political, diplomatic, economic, military and cognitive vectors, among others.
Admiral López calderón ended his lecture by pointing out that, given the current and foreseeable strategic environment, Spain has to face a scenario of uncertainties in which there are multiple and complex risks. For this reason, we need dynamic, flexible and constantly changing Armed Forces that can adapt to the rapid evolution of risks and threats.