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Commander of Joint Cyberspace Command gives a lecture to the students of the National Defense Course

En Madrid
November 12, 2021
  • The XLV National Defense Course takes place at CESEDEN

Major general Rafael García Hernández (Air Force), Commander of the Joint Cyberspace Command (MCCE in Spanish), gave a lecture to the students of the XLV National Defense Course, in which he explained what the MCCE is and how it was created since the transformation of the Joint Cyber Defense Command, explaining the present of the Unit as well as future expectations, assigned missions, human and material resources.

He also emphasized the varied typology of the attacks and the constant evolution and technological progress they are undergoing, which means that there is a constant need to adapt both procedures and action protocols. He also pointed out the important need, which in turn constitutes a challenge, to recruit, train and retain people. He ended his speech with the forecasts for the future, giving the opportunity for a brief discussion with the students.

The purpose of the Monographic Course on National Defence given by CESEDEN (Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa- Higher Centre for National Defence Studies) is to bring together civilian and military personalities who are interested in national defence and security, to jointly proceed to an in-depth analysis of a specific topic, bringing their own wealth of knowledge, experience and skills for the benefit of the whole and the purposes of the course.

In addition, and in a complementary manner, this course contributes to the development of security and defense culture and awareness both among senior officials of the public administration, as well as among relevant people of the political, economic and social scene, thus trying to provoke reflection on the main aspects of national security and defense.
