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The Joint Special Operations Command organizes a seminar in the framework of the 5+5 Initiative

November 11, 2021
  • Algeria, Italy, France, Libya, Morocco and Spain participate via videoconference in the virtual seminar where the strategic space of the Mediterranean Sea was analysed from the perspective of Special Operations

The Joint Special Operations Command (MCOE) has organized a Special Operations Seminar within the framework of the '5+5 Defence Initiative'. The seminar was chaired by General Ángel Ramón Herrezuelo Pérez, Commander of the MCOE, and was attended by representatives of the following nations: Algeria, Italy, France, Libya and Morocco. Given the situation arising from the COVID19 pandemic, the seminar was organized via videoconference.  

All the participants included a brief presentation of national units and capabilities, followed by an analysis of possible opportunities for collaboration between Special Operations Commands and Units of the nations present at the '5+5 Dialogue' forum. All the speakers agreed that the Mediterranean is an essential area for our security and stability. The security threats and challenges that our nations are facing in the Mediterranean are complex and transnational in nature, and must therefore be addressed in a shared manner.

The current global and regional scenario we face is volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and complicated. In this scenario, the Special Operations capability is a highly effective tool of military power.

In this sense, all participants have stressed that the Special Operations area is a forum that offers multiple options for collaboration and can serve as a catalyst for the Special Operations capabilities of the participating nations, enabling a greater influence in the Mediterranean. Thus, it is worth noting that the seminar has been very useful to resume Special Operations activities within the framework of the '5+5 Defence Initiative'.

General Ángel Ramón Herrezuelo Pérez emphasized that the Special Operations area is an ideal forum in which our nations can strengthen their ties and collaborate to contribute decisively to regional security and stability. He also expressed his wish that, once the situation arising from COVID19 is resolved, the next seminar could be organized in person, and thanked the Commanders and representatives of the Special Operations Commands and Units of the different nations present at the '5+5 Dialogue' forum for their participation and contribution to the seminar.
