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The MoD sets Defence Staff HQ's new structure

July 28, 2020
  • The Defence Staff HQ's new structure sets the Joint Ciberspace Command, The Force Development División, and new permanent Operational Commands

The Ministry of Defence has approved Defence Staff Headquarters’ new structure aiming to adjust its branches "to the changes that may occur in a more versatile and quicker manner ", as stated in ministerial order DEF/710/2020, of 27 July.

One of the main objectives is to strengthen the Armed Forces’ capabilities under the cyberspace domain. Therefore the newest Joint Cyberspace Command (MCCE, in Spanish) assumes both responsibilities from the former Joint Cyberdefense Command (MCCD, in Spanish) and the former Central Office, Information & Communication Technologies for the Armed Forces (JCISFAS, in Spanish).

Under the Armed Forces’ operational structure, commanded by the Chief of Defence, the new regulation sets four permanent Operational Commands: Cyberspace Operational Command (MOC, in Spanish), Maritime Operational Command (MOM, in Spanish), Land Operational Command (MOT, in Spanish) and Aerospace Operational Command (MOA, in Spanish).

The newly created Component Commands are: Land Component Command, Maritime Component Command, Aerospace Component Command These commands will be responsible for the development of the designated missions as per the current operational plans and they will be appointed by the CHOD.

The new regulation reorganises the Joint Staff (EMACON, in Spanish) by setting up the Force Development Division (DIVDEF, in Spanish); this body will be responsible for leading the cross-sectional procesess of force development, the foresight process, the reasearch and development of the joint & combined doctrine and the joint process of learned lessons and best practises.
