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The Chief of Defence Staff has presented the program of events to be held to commemorate the 'Armed Forces Day 2023'

Granada and Motril
March 30, 2023
  • Two presentation events were held. One in Granada Town Hall of and the other in the Consistory of Motril

The Chief of Defence Staff (JEMAD), Admiral General Teodoro Esteban Lopez Calderon, presided today over the two acts in which the main activities and events to be held in Granada and Motril on the occasion of Armed Forces Day were presented.

The first of the presentations took place at the Granada City Hall. The JEMAD was accompanied by the mayor of the town, Francisco Cuenca, whom he thanked for his willingness to host the celebration of the Armed Forces Day in this city that has century-old ties with the army. Admiral General Lopez Calderon stressed that "the decision to celebrate such a special day for all of us in the Armed Forces here could not have been more appropriate. In addition to being an ancient and monumental city with a great historical and cultural legacy, Granada has maintained and continues to maintain a historical bond with the army".

A similar event was held at the Consistory of Motril, where the JEMAD was accompanied by the Mayoress Luisa Garcia Chamorro. Admiral Lopez Calderon also thanked the city and the council for their willingness to host this celebration. He pointed out that Motril "is Granada's closest gateway to the sea and the centre of communications between the coast and the interior". An incomparable setting for the naval-aviation demonstration in which the maritime capabilities of the Armed Forces will be on display.

As in Granada, the JEMAD recalled that although the main events will take place in the province of Granada, the celebrations will be extended to the whole of Spain and even to those parts of the world where Spanish soldiers are currently deployed.

The Armed Forces Day commemoration events will begin on 31 May and conclude on Saturday 3 June.

The main event in Granada, presided over by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain, will take place on 3 June, Day of the Armed Forces, and will include the following:

  • Hoisting and Homage to the National Flag
  • Homage to the fallen for Spain
  • Aerial Parade
  • Military parade
  • Lowering of the National Flag

In Granada, a static and dynamic exhibition of Armed Forces equipment will be inaugurated on 31 May and will remain open until 3 June. On 31 May there will also be an exhibition of personnel and equipment in the bullring. On 1 June, the traditional gathering of military music will be held in front of the Convention Centre, preceded by a parade.

In Motril, the main event, presided over by His Majesty the King, will be held on Friday 2 June and it will be a naval and air parade. This will be followed by a dynamic demonstration of Armed Forces personnel and equipment.

In addition, from 31 May to 2 June, it will be possible to visit various Navy vessels on the quays of the port of Motril.
