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The Chief of the Defence presides the handover of the Command Senior Enlisted Leader to the Spanish CHOD

En Madrid
March 4, 2024
  • Pedro Medina Oliver, Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) of the Air and Space Force, succeeds Jesus Rabadan Carrascosa, Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the Navy

The Chief of the Defence Staff (CHOD), Admiral General Teodoro E. Lopez Calderon, today presided over the ceremony for the replacement of the Command Senior Enlisted Leader to the Spanish CHOD, in which Air and Space Force Command Senior Enlisted Leader Pedro Medina Oliver replaced Navy Command Senior Enlisted Leader Jesús Rabadán Carrascosa.

The ceremony began with the reading of the order appointing CSEL Medina Oliver as CSEL to the Spanish CHOD, followed by the presentation of the badge.

Major Medina then addressed the audience at the ceremony, first thanking his parents, wife and daughters for their support throughout his career. He also thanked his predecessor, CSEL Rabadan Carrascosa, for his help during the transition. Medina stated that he would face this challenge with the same enthusiasm with which he began his military career and reiterated his commitment to listen and work. He concluded by stating that he would "do everything possible to fulfil his duties as CSEL to the Spanish CHOD and to look after the interests and concerns of the non-commissioned officers and the soldiers and sailors".

The ceremony ended with a few words from the CHOD. He began by thanking Rabadan for his work during the year and a half he had spent in the post and emphasized that he had carried out his work "with professionalism, dedication and also with the ability to adapt and the flexibility required to comply with the wide and varied range of activities involved".

The Admiral López Calderon then addressed the new CSEL to the Spanish CHOD, saying: "Your training and experience acquired in 40 years of service, 35 of them as an air traffic controller, provide you with the temperance and management skills to face any complex situation or task, as well as to offer the command solutions to any unforeseen situation".
