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The command senior enlisted leader attends the first NATO national CSEL symposium held at the SHAPE HQ

In Casteau, Belgium
November 29, 2023
  • This is the first time that the Command Senior Enlisted Leaders' Symposium has been held at the level of NATO Chiefs of Defence Staff.

The Command Senior Enlisted Leader, Jesús Rabadán Carrascosa, attended as the Spanish representative the 1st Symposium of Command Senior Enlisted Leaders at the level of Chiefs of Defence Staff of NATO member countries, which took place at the SHAPE Headquarters in Casteau (Belgium), from 22 to 24 November..

The symposium was attended by representatives from 22 countries. The main reason for holding it is to work together to understand in a comprehensive way the common issues on which we are currently focused, and subsequently find ways to increase our interoperability and overall readiness for the Alliance.

On the occasion of the symposium at the OHQ SHAPE facilities, on the 22nd the CSEL was welcomed by Major General Raimundo Rodríguez Roca, the highest Spanish authority stationed at the headquarters; by the National Military Representative (NMR), Rear Admiral Vicente Cuquerella Gamboa; and by the Second National Military Representative, Colonel Miguel Ángel Casado Rincón, to whom he explained the reasons for the visit and his interest in holding a meeting with the Spanish non-commissioned officers, troops and marines stationed there.

This was followed by a meeting with the aforementioned staff, during which each of the participants presented their thoughts and concerns of general interest at both national and international level.

As a result of the meeting and individual conversations held during the visit, the extraordinary atmosphere prevailing at all levels can be noted. This undoubtedly favours the image of the Spanish contingent within the multinational environment.

The symposium, which took place on the 23rd, featured presentations by representatives from the Operations, Plans, Exercises and Strategic Communications Divisions, as well as first-hand information on Alliance activities in the short, medium and long term.

The day ended with an open discussion between all the CSELs. They each presented their general views on the topics discussed at the symposium and the main challenges faced by the Armed Forces of their respective countries.

These types of meetings are of great interest and benefit because, in addition to the topics discussed, they provide an opportunity to share experiences and the way in which the different armed forces of the NATO member countries operate.
