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Sede del EMAD


June 19, 2023
  • This is a conference attended by personnel who are due to be promoted to the rank of CSEL.

The Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) to the Spanish Chief of Defense, Jesús Rabadán Carrascosa, has attended the 10th  refresher course for NCO of the Spanish Army who are due to be promoted to the rank of CSEL. The conference was held at the facilities of the Basic General Academy of Non-Commissioned Officers located in Talarn (Lleida).

For two days, the CSEL´s of Specific Posts, Army, Navy and Air Force have given different conferences and shared their experience, with the aim of broadening the preparation of the attendees to exercise the functions of the job of CSEL.

The first day began with a speech by the Army’s Warrant Officer on the competencies of the Chief Warrant Officer in the Army, which ended with a colloquium.

The CSEL Rabadán then, gave a lecture on the different units that make up the structure of the Defence Staff, missions abroad in which Spain participates, operations that are carried out on national territory, functions and duties of the CSEL´s in the operational structure, NCO Major posts available within and outside our borders, and the training centres and courses that can be attended within the NATO sphere.

On the second and final day, CSEL´s from Navy and Air Force explained the functions and duties of the specific post they occupy, concluding with the participation of all CSEL´s in a panel in which each one related their experiences in the job, and in which attendees had the opportunity to express their doubts and concerns, showing great interest and initiative throughout these two days.

The conference concluded with a Tribute to the Fallen for the Homeland in which the Academy's anthem was sung.

We would like to highlight the attention and welcome received by the AGBS, both by its Director and the CSEL as well as by the rest of the members of the Academy.
