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The Command Senior Enlisted Leader to the Spanish Chief of Defence gives a lecture at the 29th course for promotion to Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the Air and Space Forces

March 29, 2023
  • He has also taken part in two CSEL panels for specific positions

The Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) to the Spanish Chief of Defence, Jesús Rabadán Carrascosa, gave a lecture at the Air and Space Army's Air Warfare Centre. The lecture was addressed to the students of the 29th Course for Promotion to Command Senior Enlisted Leader and dealt with the "Structure and Functions of the Defence Staff". The lecture was held on 17 January and 23 February at the Air and Space Army Headquarters.

The subject of the lecture is part of the course curriculum. Given the nature and the audience of the course, the Air and Space Army Air Warfare Centre was very interested in having it delivered by the CSEL to the Spanish Chief of Defence.

During the presentation, the different units that make up the EMAD structure and the way in which they interrelate both nationally and internationally were explained, as well as the functions carried out by each of them.

National elements serving in international bodies on our territory, national components abroad, representations to International Security and Defence Organisations (ISDOs) along with the national elements that support them were also discussed.

The CSEL presented the different missions and operations in which Spain is currently participating, both national - through the Component Commands and Permanent Operational Commands - as well as international.

He also participated in two editions, on 15 February and 28 March, of a panel of CSLEs from specific Defence, Army and Navy posts, in which they presented the specific functions they carry out within their field, along with their individual experience in the job.

The sessions ended with a colloquium in which the students were able to express their doubts and concerns in a relaxed atmosphere, followed by a debate involving all the participants.

Thanks to the hosts and the interest shown by the students it was a gratifying experience for the speakers. All of them agreed in appreciating the great commitment and dedication shown by the future senior CSELs of the Air and Space Force.
