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Sede del EMAD

Seminario en la Escuela de Guerra Naval

October 17, 2022
  • - The Command Senior Enlisted Leader to the Spanish Chief of Defence attends Navys' second refresher course for promotion to Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL)

The Command Senior Enlisted Leader to the Spanish Chief of Defence was invited by the Directorate of Naval Education to take part, on October 6th, in the seminar "The role of the CSEL in the Armed Forces", together with the CSELs from  (Army, AF and Navy).

The seminar was conducted by the Navy’s CSEL and the models of professional development of NCOs within the different structures from which they come and the selection processes to reach the highest level of employment in the NCO ranks were presented, in addition to explaining the characteristics of their field and participated in a colloquium.

Certainly, each army, depending on the nature of its own doctrine, applies a specific approach based on the characteristics and objectives to be addressed, but the reality is that they have many more aspects in common than they have differences. The latter are related to the modalities in which the promotion courses are developed, students selected to attend them and the calendar in which they take place.

The NCO explained the specific functions and roles that the SBMY performs in a joint environment related to assignments, at home and abroad, as well as in deployments in the area of operations. He addressed his relationship with the senior NCOs of Specific Posts and with those of EMAD units, as well as with their counterparts in International Security and Defence Organisations (ISDOs).

The seminar concluded with a presentation of the individual accounts of each of the speakers and their vision of what a CSEL should be like and the current employment situation.

Thanks to the organisation and the great interest shown by the audience, who participated intensively during the seminar's colloquium, the experience was excellent for the speakers, who agreed on the high level, both personal and professional, of the future senior non-commissioned officers of the Navy, and their commitment, which will allow them to develop their functions and thus guarantee the excellence of the job in the future.
