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CSEL to the Spanish Chief of Defence meets with non-commissioned officers and troops and sailors in Shape

SHAPE-Casteau (Belgium)
September 27, 2022
  • He was welcomed by the highest Spanish authority at the headquarters, Major General Raimundo Rodriguez Roca.

On the occasion of his participation in the 18th International Conference of CSELs (Command Senior Enlisted Leaders) at the SHAPE facilities (Casteau, Belgium), on the morning of 5th September the CSEL to the Spanish Chief of Defence visited the Spanish personnel stationed there, both the national component at the ACO (Allied Command Operations) headquarters and the NMR (national support element for these personnel).

He was welcomed by Major General Raimundo Rodriguez Roca, the highest Spanish authority stationed at the headquarters, and by the Chief of the NMR, Rear Admiral Vicente Cuquerella Gamboa. He discussed with them the purpose of his visit to the Spanish personnel, and his participation in the CSELs' conference taking place at the headquarters' facilities.

He then met with the non-commissioned officers and troops and sailors stationed at SHAPE. At this meeting, he introduced himself and made himself available to each and every one of them to lend them his support by attending to their professional and, where appropriate, personal concerns, either directly or through the corresponding NCO.

During the meeting, he shared updated information on personnel and career development regulations, and above all clarified doubts about the JEMAD directive 07/22 "Process of Publication and Designation of Military Posts Dependent on the JEMAD Abroad". Participants were given the opportunity to raise general concerns.

As a result of the meeting and the subsequent interaction with the participating personnel, it was possible to observe the great involvement and availability with which our NCOs, troops and sailors carry out their duties and the great atmosphere at all levels, which benefits the positive perception and prestige of the Spanish contingent in the multinational environment.
