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SHAPE- Casteau ( Bélgica )
September 27, 2022
  •  Eighteenth International Conference of Senior Non-Commissioned Officers

The CSEL to the Spanish Chief of Defence was the Spanish representative at the 18th International CSEL (Command Senior Enlisted Leader) Conference that took place at the SHAPE facilities (Casteau, Belgium) from 5 to 9 September.

The conference, which is held annually, was organised by the CSELs of ACO (Allied Command Operations), ACT (Allied Command Transformation) and USEUCOM (United States European Command). It was attended by 98 participants from NATO headquarters and Alliance member nations, PfP (Partners for Peace) as well as invited guests.

The main topic of discussion was the ongoing review of the "NATO Non-Commissioned Officer Bi-Strategic Command Strategy and NCO Guidelines" on the professional development of NCOs and troops and sailors in the NATO environment. Everyone contributed with their own point of view.

Among the different lectures received, it is worth highlighting those given by SACEUR, General Christopher G. Cavoli, in which he stressed the importance of non-commissioned officers for their leadership and decision-making on the battlefield; by the ACO Chief of Staff, Admiral Joachim Rhüle, on the current situation of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the role of non-commissioned officers and troop and sailor personnel; and by the Head of the Partnership Directorate Division, Rear Admiral Gunnstein Bruasas, Admiral Gunnstein Bruasas, on the role of non-commissioned officers and troop and sailor personnel; and by the Head of the Partnership Directorate, Rear Admiral Gunnstein Bruasdal, explaining the functions of the Partnership Directorate and the key role of PfP (Partners for Peace) countries in the Alliance.

In addition to the different lectures and issues discussed, it is worth to highlight the opportunity that this type of event offers to interact with CSELS from different cultures and countries (Japan, New Zealand, Jordan, Iraq...), and to share with them different points of view. This allows  for the creation and consolidation of both professional and personal ties ("networking"),and therefore facilitates the management of any issue related to our personnel in the international arena, especially in support of those deployed in different countries where the missions and operations led by the Alliance are carried out.
