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First formal visit by the Spanish Chief of Defence to Brunssum NATO HQ

In Brunssum, the Netherlands
June 5, 2024
  • Admiral López Calderón was received at the Allied Joint Force Command Headquarters by its Commander, General Miglietta

The Chief of Defence (JEMAD), Admiral Teodoro E. López Calderón visited today the Allied Joint Force Command Headquarters (JFCBS HQ) in Brunssum.

He was received by the Brunssum JFC Commander, General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, who highlighted Spain's important contribution to this headquarters, pointing out the relevant role of the Lieutenant General of the Spanish Army, Luis Lanchares, currently Deputy Commander of JFC Brunssum.

In the course of the visit, the Chief of Defence has awarded Lieutenant General Jean-Pierre Perrin, Chief of Staff of the Brunsssum HQ, with the Cross of Military Merit with White Mark. This decoration is in recognition of his work in his previous position as Chief of Staff of the Eurocorps in Strasbourg.

The Spanish CHOD held a meeting with General Miglietta in which he referred to the effort made by Spain to contribute significant military capabilities to the common effort in the defence of allied territory, especially in terms of ground forces. This commitment forms part of the agreements adopted by the countries in the framework of the NATO Summit held in Madrid in June 2022.

Spain will lead one of eight multinational Battlegroups deployed to NATO's Eastern Flank, capable of becoming a multinational combat brigade in less than 10 days. This Spanish contingent began its deployment in Lešť (Slovakia) earlier this year, and will assume the role of the Battlegroup's framework nation, currently led by the Czech Republic, from July 1, 2024.

To complement this capability, Spain will also assume NATO leadership in the Hungary/Slovakia area on the corps level through the Rapid Deployment Force (ESP NRDC), under the command of HQ JFC Brunssum. To this end, a forward element of the ESP NRDC HQ is already deployed in the area to monitor the situation on the ground, as well as to liaise with host countries and military units in the region.

Spain's commitment to the Alliance has been evident for years in the contribution of personnel and assets to NATO operations, such as the multinational Battle Group in Latvia and the anti-aircraft battery deployed in this Baltic country. Spanish fighters are also regularly deployed to air bases in Estonia and Lithuania as part of the Baltic Air Police (BAP) and in the Enhanced Air Surveillance operation in Bulgaria and Romania, where an early warning radar is also deployed.

Spain regularly participates in the several NATO Standing Naval Maritime and Countermine Measures Groupings (SNMG and SNMCMG) in Northern and Baltic Sea waters, such as the participation this year of a Spanish Aircraft Carrier Strike Group in the ‘BALTOPS 24’ exercise. Ships are usually activated in the Mediterranean Sea in Operation ‘Sea Guardian’ aimed at combating terrorism.

Our Armed Forces are also present in Turkey, in Operation ‘Support to Turkey’ with a Patriot Unit. And finally, Spanish personnel are also deployed in the NATO Mission-Iraq (NMI), a mission to advise the Iraqi government.

It is planned that Spain will deploy marines from the ‘Tercio de Armada’ Infantry Brigade within the next six months, in Romania, to join NATO's Battlegroup in Romania.

With this contribution of personnel and resources to the several Alliance operations in which our Armed Forces are involved, Spain is showing its firm commitment to NATO.
