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Presentation of the 'Strategic Overview 2024' at the Centre for National Defence Studies

In Madrid
April 25, 2024
  • The authors of some of the published chapters participated in a round table discussion

The Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies presented its latest Strategic Outlook through a Round Table discussion at the Centre for National Defence Studies (CESEDEN in Spanish).

At this meeting, the published work was presented and the authors of the different chapters explained its contents. The event, presented by the Lieutenant General Miguel Ballenilla y García de Gamarra, Head of CESEDEN, was moderated by Felipe Sahagún, journalist and professor of International Relations at the Complutense University of Madrid, president of the working group and author of the introduction to the work.

Also participating in this presentation were some of the authors of different chapters, such as Florentino Portero, historian and analyst of International Relations; Colonel José Pardo de Santayana, current interim director of the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies; Águeda Parra Pérez, PhD in International Relations, engineer and analyst of China's geopolitical and technological environment;  Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio, Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid and co-director of the Complutense Research Group on the Maghreb and Middle East; Raimundo Robredo Rubio, Spanish diplomat, Spanish Ambassador to the Republic of South Africa; and Erika M. Rodríguez Pinzón, PhD in International Relations, Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and special advisor to the High Representative of the European Union.

About the Strategic Overview

The Strategic Overview considers the evolution of the major global issues affecting international security and stability, and is one of the main and most relevant publications produced by the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies. It is published annually and, like the rest of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies publications, it can be downloaded, in PDF format, free of charge from the Defence Culture Portal.
