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The Military School of Cyber Operations begins the third edition of the Basic Specialisation Course for Soldiers and Sailors

Retamares, Madrid
February 23, 2024
  • Twenty Soldiers and Sailors students join the Military Cyber Operations School

Opening ceremony of the third edition of the Basic Specialisation Course for troops and sailors of the Military School of Cyber Operations (EMCO). It was presided over by the Colonel Director of the EMCO and was attended by the twenty new students who are beginning their training in the field of cyber operations.

This course is the first step in the specific training in the cyberspace field that they will have to undertake and is aimed at providing the students with the basic knowledge necessary for further, more specialised training in the future. In addition, this training will qualifie the trainees to take up vacancies in the Cyberspace Operations Force (FOCE) where those who are deployed will carry out their professional duties.

After the opening ceremony, Brigadier General Federico Juste de Santa Ana, Deputy Commander of the Joint Cyberspace Command, welcomed the students. He emphasised the training opportunity offered to them and encouraged them to participate in this activity, given the high level of demand required to pass the curriculum.

Students are scheduled to complete this training in mid-May. Those who successfully complete the training will be invited to the second edition of the Basic Cyber Operations Information Courses in the specialities currently being taught: Cyber Defence Operations Centre Operator, Cyber Threat Intelligence Operator and Systems Intrusion Operator.
