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Periodista del EMAD

The Chief of Defence Staff receives the Chief of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces of Peru

April 19, 2023
  • Army General Manuel Jesús Gómez de la Torre Aranibar has been on an official visit to Spain.

The Chief of Defence Staff (JEMAD), Admiral General Teodoro López Calderón, has met with the Chief of the Joint Command of the Peruvian Armed Forces, Army General Manuel Jesús Gómez de la Torre Aranibar.

The Peruvian general was received with honours at the General Headquarters of the Defence Staff and, after signing the Book of Honour, held a working meeting with the JEMAD and other military authorities in which he explained the organisation of the Spanish Armed Forces and how the Joint Chiefs of Staff are structured and their responsibilities.

He then went to the Centre for National Defence Studies where its Director, Lieutenant General Francisco de Paula Bisbal Pons, explained him how the Centre works and the curricula.

In the afternoon, He visited the Army Headquarters, where He was received by the Army Chief of Staff, Army General Amador Enseñat Berea. He was briefed on the modernisation process the Spanish Army is undergoing to adapt to the new operational environment, how the 'Force 2025' and 'Brigade 2035' concepts are being implemented.

During the second day of the visit, the JEMAD accompanied his Peruvian counterpart to the Retamares Base where they visited the facilities of the Operations Command accompanied by the Chief of Staff of the Command, Vice Admiral Iñigo de la Puente Mora-Figueroa. They then moved on to the Joint Cyberspace Command, the last activity of the visit, where they were received by the Command's Chief of Staff, Captain Manuel Alvargonzález Méndez. After signing the book of honour, Army General Gómez de la Torre was shown how the unit operates and its facilities.
