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DEDALO 23 Expeditionary Combat Group Reinforced Landing Battalion conducts amphibious operations on the French coast

Mediterranean Sea
January 28, 2023
  • Corsica and Toulon have served as an amphibious theatre for Spain´s Expeditionary Combat Group, deployed in the Mediterranean to contribute to deterrence, defence and security in Europe

The Units from DEDALO-23 Expeditionary Combat Group of the Navy keep sailing in the Mediterranean. These units are part of Spain´s contribution to maritime security and NATO Deterrence and Defence.

Commanded by Rear Admiral, Gonzalo Villar, the Group led by the LHD "Juan Carlos I" an airborne air unit composed of aircraft 'Harrier' AV8B+ and helicopters, a Reinforced Marine Landing Battalion, the 'Victoria' and 'Blas de Lezo' frigates, the 'Galicia' and 'Castilla' amphibious vessels, and the combat supply vessel 'Cantabria'. There is also an Army Airmobile Forces Helicopter Detachment. Besides, the submarine 'Tramontana' is scheduled to join in the coming weeks.

Since leaving Rota, amphibious operations have been conducted along the Spanish coastline in Almería, Cartagena, and Mallorca. Between 23 - 27 JAN, the action moved to the coasts of Corsica and Toulon, where several types of amphibious operations were carried out taking advantage of the Expeditionary Combat Group’s capabilities. The LCM landing craft of the Naval Beach Group and 'Supercat' speedboats, as well as the 'SeaHawk SH-60B' and 'SH-60F' helicopters from the Aircraft Flotilla enabled more than three hundred and fifty Marines and forty vehicles of the 'Tercio de Armada' to project naval power in an exercise over French territory.

Among the operations carried out, the 'raids' or 'manoeuvres', consisting of surprise insertion of the Landing Force on land, should be highlighted. NEO operations (Non-combatants evacuation operations) have also been carried out, the purpose of which is to relocate civilian personnel in situations of risk in foreign territory.

The 'DEDALO 23' Group, poved its interoperability with international forces by exchanging its helicopters with 'NH-90s' from the French aircraft carrier 'Tonerre'. Likewise, a joint Spanish-French team of combat divers conducted hydrographic reconnaissance prior to the landings. Over the last few days, the Spanish vessels have also carried out exercises at sea with the Italian ships 'Duilio', 'San Giusto' and 'Thaon de Revel', and the French anti-aircraft destroyer 'Chevalier Paul'.


Throughout the first quarter, the 'DEDALO-23' Air-Naval Amphibious Group will continue to be deployed in the Mediterranean to increase its training and show Spain's firm commitment to the Alliance's Deterrence and Defence Policy.

This deployment will also serve to prepare its qualification and certification for subsequent incorporation into NATO Readiness Initiative (NRI) in 2024 and to strengthen the image of the Armed Forces internationally.

The deployment will include activities off the coasts of Italy and France in its first phase; Egypt in the second phase - before returning to the Italian coast in phases III and IV - before ending this main deployment at the end of March.

During the period of deployment, the Combat Group will interact with other NATO groups and units, thereby multiplying training opportunities for the Group's troops and staff.
