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ESP CHOD accepts the 'Cortes de la Real Isla de León' award for 'Constitutional Values and Defense of Democratic Freedom'

San Fernando, Cádiz
September 24, 2022
  • San Fernando City Council has awarded this recognition to the Armed Forces

San Fernando’s Royal Theatre has hosted the presentation of the award “Cortes de la Real Isla de León” for ‘Constitutional Values and Defense of Democratic Freedom' which in this edition has gone unanimously to the Armed Forces. The Chief of Defence, Admiral General Teodoro E. López Calderón, accepted the award.

The CHOD began his speech by thanking the award, on behalf of the Armed Forces represented by him, recognizing "the selfless, constant and unselfish work of both the current members of the Armed Forces and also of those who preceded us in the past”.

The Admiral General has made reference to the birth of the Juntas after the War of Independence, which would later give way to the convocation of the “Cortes” and, as a result of that, the birth of the Constitution of 1812. "This Constitution, according to the CHOD, established a new concept of the Army, evolving from an army in the service of the King into a national army. The new regulation included several concepts that persisted in history, some of them till today”.

He has also reminded Armed Forces’s thousands of men and women who daily give the best of themselves both in standing missions and abroad, as well as providing their support facing any emergency in which they are called upon. A job in which they seek to "help the society in which they live to, doing their bit, build an increasingly better Spain".

The Chief of the Defence concluded his acceptance speech by recalling the military and constitutional values, the common features between both throughout constitutional history and that "they are proof that both Institutions have worked and will continue to work for the benefit of all Spaniards”. 
