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Spanish Verification Unit member carries out evaluations in ammunition dumps in Peru

En Lima, Perú
September 2, 2022
  • The UVE representative has been a member of a team led by AMAT (Ammunition Management Advisory Team)

A member of the Spanish Verification Unit (UVE) has been a member of a team led by AMAT (Ammunition Management Advisory Team) carrying out evaluations in ammunition dumps in Peru.

The UVE already provided support to AMAT at the end of 2021 in a first evaluation of ammunition dumps in the Republic of Peru, visiting three detachments, thus starting this close collaboration with AMAT still in place. The personnel which provide this type of support is validated by a United Nations process that enables them to be integrated into the evaluation teams.

From the 8th to the 22nd of August, three evaluations were carried out in different locations in order to have a global vision of the maturity in the management of ammunition dumps and arsenals. These locations were: Iquitos (Amazon forest), Tumbes (coast) and finally Chucarapi (mountain).

Once the different ammunition dumps were evaluated and having met the heads of the logistics support units, the AMAT team prepared a technical report to be submitted to UN and the Peruvian Ministry for Defence.

The results of the visit along with the recommendations were presented by the advisory team on August the 21st  at the Ministry's facilities aiming explosion and  diversion risks reduction. The UVE member was also in charge of making the exposition and the final translation of the report into Spanish.
