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Change of command in the Spanish Verification Unit

September 12, 2022
  • Colonel Armada took office as head of the Spanish Verification Unit

The Defence Central Academy (ACD in Spanish) hosted the swearing-in ceremony as Head of the Spanish Verification Unit (UVE in Spanish) of Colonel Carlos Javier Armada Vázquez as well as the signing of the change-of-command certificates along with the outgoing Colonel Francisco Lanza Mollá and the military parade. The ceremony was presided over by Lieutenant General Fernando García González-Valerio, Chief of Joint Staff.

The handover ceremony took place at the academy’s “plaza de Armas”, and included a formation made up of members of the UVE, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Luis Antonio Jaraices Beltrán.

Major General Antonio Ramón Conde Ortiz, Director of the ACD and the Joint Staff’s division and headquarters’ general officers also attended as well as the Colonel-in-Chief of the French Verification Unit and the Chief of Staff of the equivalent German unit. Colonel Armada was also accompanied by his comrades-in-arms, relatives, friends and former members of the UVE at his inauguration.

After thanking the authorities and other guests for their presence, Colonel Armada, during his speech, highlighted the extraordinary work that his predecessor had done and his dedication while relieving.

Colonel Armada mentioned the military values born from his family saga and the constant support received within the military career. After reviewing the most important activities carried out by the UVE, he praised its members for their dedication, effort, capabilities and excellence in carrying out their tasks, where they brilliantly represent Spain. He also asked them to maintain the high level achieved and he valued the presence and experience of this technical unit. Finally, the new head of the UVE offered his loyalty, respect and commitment to the mission and to face the new scenarios that arise and where the UVE can be a tool for de-escalation and verification of new agreements.

The Spanish Verification Unit is the unit responsible for planning, coordinating and executing the activities entrusted to the Armed Forces arising from the international commitments acquired by Spain related to disarmament and arms control, specially the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), Treaty on Open Skies or the Vienna Document 2011.
