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The Spanish Verification Unit participates in the validation exercise 'SIIL 22'

In Estonia and Latvia
May 26, 2022
  • The exercise was carried out in Estonia and Latvia from 20 to 24 May

Two members of the Spanish Verification Unit participated as observers in a Validation Exercise of the Estonian Army with the presence of observers from 20 nations. All within the framework of compliance with the Vienna Document 2011, paragraphs 47-60.

The purpose of this exercise was to test the Estonian recruitment and force generation system, which entails a recruitment period of 11 months during which they are initially prepared at the small unit level for progressive integration in support of civilian authorities and collaboration in an international framework. The integration of the 2 Brigade 'Jalavaee Brigaad', which carried the weight of the exercise in a territorial defence framework in collaboration with other Baltic countries and their allies, was also valued. Also worth noting was the evaluation of its logistical capabilities in the sense of putting stored equipment into service in a short space of time and delivering it to the units for the manoeuvre.

The following is how it developed:

  • On 20 May, the observers were received and briefed on the exercise to be carried out.
  • On 21 May, the personnel were taken to the facilities of the 2 Brigade 'Javalaae Brigaad' where they visited the Base and its facilities and were briefed on the phase and personnel and material strength of the exercise.
  • On the 22nd and 23rd, different units participating in the exercise from Estonia, Latvia and the units belonging to the Reinforced Forward Presence located in both countries visited the manoeuvre fields in southern Estonia and northern Latvia.
  • International attendance was 20 countries, one observer from the CPC and one observer from the ACDC. The Russian Federation and Belarus declined the invitation to attend the observation despite having been invited.
  • During the exercise, the Vienna Document 2011, paragraphs 47 to 60, was complied with by notifying an exercise of more than 13,000 men, allowing observation of the exercise and demonstrating that the nature of the exercise was non-threatening in the spirit of confidence and security-building, the spirit of the Document.
  • During the 'Namejs' exercise in Latvia, the Latvian Minister of Defence attended and expressly thanked Spain for increasing the number of personnel stationed at the Reinforced Forward Presence located in Adazi.

The exercise observation covered nearly 1,500 kilometres and included visits to units from several countries.
