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Periodista del EMAD

First Cyberspace Operational Command HQ Assessment

Retamares base, Pozuelo de Alarcón
December 13, 2021
  • The Operations Command conducts the operational assessment of the Cyberspace Operational Command Headquarters within the framework of Permanent Operations

The Cyberspace Operational Command (MOC in Spanish) headquarters, based at the Retamares Base (Pozuelo de Alarcón), received the visit of the Operations Command (MOPS) evaluation team within the validation phase of the operational evaluation, which aims to perform the necessary final checks and verifications on the capabilities reported by the Cyberspace Operational Command. Previously, during the initial assessment phase, the assessed unit submitted operational documentation for analysis by the evaluation team.

Brigadier General Francisco Javier Vidal Fernandez, Director of the Evaluation Team, visited the MOC Headquarters, accompanied by the members of the evaluation team in order to carry out the final checks and verifications of the evaluation. On behalf of the evaluated HQ, the second Commander of the Joint Cyberspace Command (MCCE), Rear Admiral Francisco Javier Roca Rivero, led the MOC representation.

The performance assessment phase will conclude with the final evaluation report and the declaration of the capability of the Cyberspace Operational Command HQ to perform its mission within the framework of Permanent Operations.

The purpose of the operational evaluation is to assess the interrelationship of the Cyberspace Operational Command Headquarters with the Operations Command to carry out the tasks assigned in Permanent Operations.

This operational evaluation, together with the one carried out in the Land Operational Command at the end of November, highlights the importance given by MOPS to Permanent Operations and Operational Commands, a trend that will be continued with the evaluations of the Maritime Operational Command and the Aerospace Operational Command, which will be carried out during the year 2022.

The operational evaluations (EVALOPs in Spanish) respond to the task assigned to CMOPS in Royal Decree 521/2020, on the basic organization of the Armed Forces, to evaluate the operational readiness of the commands and forces assigned to the operational structure, contributing to ensure its operational effectiveness.

Cyberspace Operational Command (MOC in Spanish)

The Cyberspace Operational Command is the branch within the operational structure of the Armed Forces responsible for planning, conducting and monitoring military operations to ensure the freedom of action of the Armed Forces within cyberspace, in accordance with operational plans in force.

The Commander of the Joint Cyberspace Command, Major General Rafael García Hernández, was appointed Commander of the Cyberspace Operational Command (CMOC) by the Chief of Defence Staff (JEMAD in Spanish).

Permanent Operations

Permanent Operations are an effective tool to to keep an eye on sovereign areas, allowing for early detection of threats and facilitating an immediate and viable response to a potential crisis.

The traditional Land (MOT), Maritime (MOM), Aerospace (MOA) and the recently created Cyberspace (MOC) Operational Commands make up the Permanent Command structure. On a daily basis, there are about 3,000 members of the Armed Forces involved in permanent operations, under the operational control of the Operations Command.
