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Joint Special Operations Command (MCOE in Spanish) conducts training exercises as National Component Command in SOFEX-21

Madrid, Spain
November 19, 2021
  • In the exercise, the Commander of the National Special Operations Component Command (SOCC-n) leads the Joint Special Operations Force

The execution phase of SOFEX-21 exercise is taking place between November 16 and 24. The National Special Operations Component Command (SOCC-n) is activated in a fictitious scenario, where Special Operations missions will be carried out. The command and headquarters have been designed on the basis of the Joint Special Operations Command (MCOE in Spanish), with the contribution of specialised personnel from the Army, Navy and Air Force.

During this exercise, the aforementioned national SOCC-n was created with the aim of conducting a national operation, limited in time and space, executed by a Joint SO Force (FOE in Spanish) from a Forward Operating Base (BOA in Spanish). In this FOE, units of the Special Operations Command (MOE in Spanish) of the Spanish Army, the Special Naval Warfare Force (FGNE in Spanish) of the Spanish Navy, and the Parachute Sapper Squadron (EZAPAC in Spanish) of the Spanish Air Force participate, as well as helicopters from the FAMET and the Navy's Aircraft Flotilla, Navy vessels, RPAS, including combat support and logistical support units from the Armies and Navy.

SOFEX-21, focused on enhancing the integration and interoperability of the Special Operations Units of the Armies and the Navy in a joint action, focused on this occasion on HRO (Hostages Rescue Operation), both in maritime and land scenarios.

The physical deployment includes the Retamares Base (Madrid) and the San Roque-Cádiz area.
