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ESP CHOD chairs the ceremony to honour the Armed Forces and Guardia Civil Veterans' Day

October 23, 2021
  • During the ceremony, some diplomas were presented to the winners of the short story contest 'Military in the History of Burgos'

The main ceremony withing for the annual national celebration of Veterans Day 2021, which are taking place throughout this week in the city of Burgos, took place in Avenida de La Paz.

The ceremony was chaired by Admiral General Teodoro E. López Calderón, Chief of Defence Staff and was attended by the recently appointed Army Chief of Staff, army general Amador Enseñat y Berea, the President of the Royal Brotherhood of Veterans of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, lieutenant general (retired) José Manuel García Varela and civil authorities of several local and regional administrations, as well as representatives of the main institutions of Burgos.

During his speech, Admiral López Calderón conveyed his respect and admiration for "our fellow veterans", as well as his satisfaction at the celebration of Veterans' Day this year in the city of Burgos, a key city in our history and closely linked to the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard. The event was attended by the Music Unit of  'San Marcial' Division Headquarters, an Honours Company belonging to the 11th Field Artillery Regiment, based in Castrillo del Val (Burgos), and several groups of veterans.

Over the course of the ceremony the Spanish flag was hoisted and a tribute to the fallen tooh place. Some diplomas were also presented to schoolchildren. Finally, the anthem of the Real Hermandad de Veteranos de las Fuerzas Armadas y Guardia Civil was sung and a parade of the participating personnel took place along the Avenida de la Paz.
