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Joint Cyberspace Command personnel attend the "International Cybersecurity Forum"

Lille, Francia
September 9, 2021
  • MCCE Deputy Commander took part on a panel

Joint Cyberspace Command (MCCE in Spanish) personnel has participated, from September 7 to 9, in the event “International Cybersecurity Forum” (FIC), held in Lille (France).

The FIC is the main European event on cybersecurity and is aimed at promoting reflection and exchanges within the European ecosystem on this matter. Likewise, it has had a trade fair that has allowed buyers and suppliers to meet.

In this edition, the FIC has hosted more than 450 speakers, through four plenary meetings, 33 round tables, 24 conferences, 35 technical exhibitions and 15 master classes.

Specifically, the Joint Cyberspace Command has participated in the round table "European Cyber Commanders - Cyber Defence: Resilience and Cooperation". In addition, the MCCE Deputy Commander held a bilateral meeting with the Commander of the French Cyber Defence Command (COMCYBER).
