The patrol boat Tagomago (P-22) conducted a presence, surveillance and deterrence operation in the maritime areas under national sovereignty in the Alboran Sea area.
The vessel has been carrying out specific Maritime Security Operations (MSO) tasks, which mainly consist of taking action against threats and unlawful acts that endanger the security of the maritime environment.
One of the Tagomago's tasks is to contribute to Maritime Environmental Awareness (MEA), a prerequisite for other operations. It has also carried out Maritime Security Operations (MSO) and provided a naval presence in the vicinity of Alboran Island.
The patrol boat Tagomago
The patrol boat Tagomago is the second of ten Anaga Class patrol boats built in the 1980s. It belongs to the Command of the Maritime Action Force Units in Cadiz. It is designed to carry out maritime security missions, protect national maritime interests and control areas of sovereignty and national interest. It also carries out maritime traffic control and protection missions, as well as fisheries surveillance and control.
The Tagomago set sail with a crew of 22. Lieutenant Fernando Jesús Pita Dodero is in command.
Maritime Action Force (FAM)
The FAM, integrated into the FLEET, consists of a group of units whose main mission is to prepare for the safeguard of international maritime interests and the control of maritime areas of sovereignty and national interest. With a comprehensive approach, it is responsible for ensuring permanent cooperation with the various government bodies with responsibilities in the maritime domain, thus constituting the Navy's contribution to the State's action at sea.
Maritime Operational Command (MOM)
The Maritime Operational Command (MOM) is the body of the operational structure of the Armed Forces that reports to the Chief of Defence Staff, responsible, at his level, for the planning, execution and control of permanent surveillance and security operations in maritime areas of sovereignty, responsibility and national interest. It is under the command of the Admiral of Naval Operations and is based in Cartagena.
Presence, Surveillance and Deterrence Operations
Presence, Surveillance and Deterrence Operations are an effective tool for conducting surveillance of sovereign spaces, enabling early detection of threats and facilitating an immediate and viable response to a potential crisis.
The Land (MOT), Maritime (MOM), Air (MOA), Cyberspace (MOC) and Space (MOESPA) Operational Commands make up the Permanent Command structure. On a daily basis, there are some 3,000 Armed Forces personnel involved in these kinds of operations under the operational control of the Joint Operations Command.