The Navy ship 'Furor' is participating in the 'Obangame Express 24'drill, which is taking place in the waters of the Gulf of Guinea and the African Atlantic area and which in this edition will include different ports. The 31 countries participating in the drill include 19 African countries, 8 European countries, including Spain and the United Kingdom. In addition, Canada, Brazil, and the United States. Nations and personnel from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) are also expected to participate.
Drill Obangame Express 2024 is a multinational maritime exercise organised by the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) and led by the United States Naval Forces Europe-Africa/United States Sixth Fleet (NAVEUR-NAVAF-SIXTHFLT). This year, it brings together African, European, and North and South American forces, strengthening cooperation and expertise in maritime security operations. Its purpose is to evaluate maritime security forces in various operations, fostering the interoperability of participating countries and thereby contributing to the enhancement of the deterrence capabilities of the countries bordering the Gulf of Guinea against illegal fishing, piracy, illicit trafficking and other maritime threats. Libreville, Gabon, is hosting this year's drill, which will be conducted throughout the Gulf of Guinea and at land-based maritime operations centres throughout the region.
Spain’s presence in exercise 'obangame express, oe-24'
This is the largest multinational maritime exercise in West and Central Africa. Spain has become one of the most prominent participants in this drill, which demonstrates the commitment of our Armed Forces to the security and stability of the region, and it is a source of pride to be part of the multinational maritime cooperation and collaboration that seeks to improve security, stability and prosperity in the Gulf of Guinea.
The "FUROR" is currently deployed in the West African coast and the Gulf of Guinea, within the framework of the Coordinated Maritime Presences of the European Union (PMC-EU). Spain's participation in these drills is of great value, as it contributes to the PMC-EU initiative as an effective instrument to achieve the objectives established during the deployment.