As part of its deployment in the West African coast and the Gulf of Guinea, the maritime action ship (BAM) 'Audaz' has docked for 5 days in the port of Luanda to carry out military cooperation and defense diplomacy activities in Angola. This country is one of the priority countries for Spain's 'Africa Focus 2023'. It is also the first call of a Navy ship in the country after the visit of the King and Queen of Spain to Angola two weeks ago.
The BAM 'Audaz' docked in the port of the city of Luanda, capital of Angola, after crossing the equator ten days earlier and operating in the southern hemisphere since then. During the stopover, multiple activities of military cooperation, presence and diplomacy have been carried out, as well as logistic operations to supply the ship.
The Navy ship is deployed in the Gulf of Guinea, integrated in the operational structure of the Armed Forces and within the framework of the Coordinated Maritime Presences (PMC) of the European Union (EU), to project maritime security in an area of vital strategic interest. Since its departure from Spain, it has already covered more than 6,000 nautical miles.
Presence and diplomacy
On February 22, the BAM 'Audaz' received on board the Spanish Ambassador to Angola, Manuel M. Lejarreta Lobo, with the traditional 'salute to the voice' and subsequent signature in the Book of Honor. At sunset, a reception was offered on board with the solemn lowering of the flag for several Angolan personalities and other guests, which was presided by the Spanish ambassador. The Commander of the BAM 'Audaz', accompanied by the Defense Attaché, also held meetings with Angolan military authorities and with Spaniards working in the maritime sector in Luanda. These activities of Defense diplomacy contribute to reinforce the State's external action. The landing in Luanda of one of the most modern ships of the Navy, reinforced by the presence on board of the Spanish ambassador, projects a message of commitment of our country with Angola.
Military cooperation with the Angolan Navy
During the port call, several military cooperation activities were carried out with the Angolan Navy (MGA), with an extensive program both in port and at sea. Theoretical and practical training on boarding, diving and electronic navigation was carried out. Subsequently, a joint patrol was carried out between the BAM 'Audaz', the AMS ship 'Nzinga Mbandi', and the Maritime Operations Center of Luanda, as well as a boarding exercise between both ships and AMS 'fuzileiros'. On the other hand, the Commander and a delegation of the BAM 'Audaz' had the opportunity to know the means with which Angola contributes to the Yaoundé Architecture, a country that plays a prominent role within the 'zone A' of this regional security architecture. All these activities are essential to reinforce the maritime security capabilities of the coastal countries, with the common objective of achieving safe and secure maritime spaces free from threats.