Ceremonia de relevo en la Base Aérea de Incirlik en la que se ha realizado la transferencia de autoridad de la Operación ‘Apoyo a Turquía’ del contingente español AT XIX al contingente AT XX.
El acto ha estado presidido por el coronel Juan Eugenio Moreno Jiménez, del Mando de Operaciones. En la ceremonia se ha procedido al relevo del guion del contingente y posteriormente se han sucedido las alocuciones tanto del teniente coronel Jose Miguel Gómez Franco, Jefe del contingente A/T XX, como del coronel Moreno, representante del Mando de Operaciones.
The Head of the Contingent highlighted the pride of continuing to contribute to the peace and security of a friendly and allied country such as Turkey. Colonel Moreno addressed both contingents, highlighting the excellent work of those returning to Spain after completing their mission, and wished the incoming contingent a good mission. The ceremony ended with a tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain, during which the Artillerymen's Anthem was sung.