Act of hand over- take over between the first contingents of the 'Tigru' Detachment in Schitu. It was presided over by Air General Javier Salto Martínez-Avial, Chief of Staff of the Air and Space Army (JEMA) and by Lieutenant General Francisco Braco Carbó, Commander of the Operations Command.
They were accompanied by Lieutenant General José Luis Pardo Jario, Chief of the Air and Space Army Logistic Support Command, Juan Antonio Aznárez Cobo, Military Archbishop, Brigadier General Isaac Manuel Crespo Zaragoza, Chief of the Cabinet of the Chief of the Air and Space Chief of Staff, the Chief Colonels of the Units with means deployed in Romania, Colonel Chief of GRUMOCA Manuel María Jiménez Rodríguez and Colonel Chief of Wing 15 Jesús Andrés Margaretto, together with the Episcopal Vicar of the Air and Space Army, the senior non-commissioned officer of the Air and Space Army and the senior non-commissioned officers of the aforementioned Units.
In the HO-TO act, Commander Eduardo Arlandis Diez took possession of the leadership of the Detachment, relieving Commander Juan Diego Narbona León, who has held this position since the beginning of the Detachment, in October 2022. After the ceremony, the JEMA signed the book of honor of the 'Tigru' Detachment, and met with the personnel belonging to both contingents.
In addition, during the visit General Salto met with senior officials of the Forţele Aeriene Române and together with the Spanish delegation accompanying him received a presentation by Brigadier General Maxim, Chief of the 76th ISR Brigadâ, highlighting the cooperation between the Brigade and the Detachment.
The 'Tigru' Detachment is home to the AN/TPS-43M long-range deployable tactical radar of the Mobile Air Control Group. It performs surveillance tasks to contribute to NATO's integrated air defense in the airspace of its member states.