The two latest members to join the TIGRU Detachment are now operational. They are Ivar and Estela and belong to the Mobile Air Control Group (GRUMOCA).
They are two military working dogs of the security and combat specialty, belonging to the GRUMOCA's Cynological Unit which, together with their handlers, perform security services perfectly integrated within the teams that carry out these functions.
Despite being their first flight, the dogs behaved exceptionally during the trip and the adaptation to their new home has been very fast. The dogs and their handlers are physically and technically trained according to the highest standards.
The process for these dogs to be deployed has been long and complicated, as not only have they had to undergo, like the rest of the personnel, a pre-mission medical examination and receive the necessary vaccinations, but it was also necessary to study how the weather conditions present in Romania during this time of the year would affect them, and therefore kennels had to be built to suit their needs.
The deployment of Ivar and Estela is a milestone for the Spanish Air Force, since it is the first time that security and combat dogs are deployed in an area of operations.