Six "Eurofighter" aircraft of the 11th Wing have taken off today from Moron de la Frontera Air Base (Seville) to Bezmer Air Base (Bulgaria), where they will remain deployed for three weeks, with the objective of reinforcing security on the Eastern Flank of the Alliance.
The Spanish fighters will begin operations on November 14 and will end operations on December 2. The Air Tactical Detachment (DAT) is made up of a total of 130 Air Force military personnel, under national operational control of the Operations Command.
This new detachment, under the national authority of the Chief of Defence-JEMAD and after its transfer to NATO, will carry out training missions, and will remain ready to continue guaranteeing the integrity of the allied airspace, should NATO demand it.
By participating in this mission, Spain is contributing to international security and stability, reaffirming its commitment to the Alliance and its member countries, as well as contributing to the reinforcement of NATO's deployed capabilities.