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The frigate 'Cristóbal Colón' begins its mission in NATO's operation 'Noble Shield'

In Souda, Greece
September 2, 2024
  • The Navy ship has joined NATO's Standing NATO Maritime Grouping 2 (SNMG-2) until next December

The frigate 'Christopher Columbus' (F-105) was integrated in the Greek port of Souda as a ship of NATO's Standing NATO Grouping Number 2 (SNMG-2) in the Mediterranean Sea. It will participate in NATO's 'Noble Shield' mission until December, and will conduct exercises and naval presence throughout the central and eastern Mediterranean Sea. In addition, it will participate in NATO's maritime surveillance operation 'Sea Guardian'.

At the time of his stay in port, the Commander of the NATO Standing Command Group No. 2 (COMSNMG-2), Commodore Matthew Coates of the Royal Canadian Navy, visited the frigate and after a briefing on its organization and the ship's capabilities, he toured the main compartments of the vessel. He had the opportunity to check the different technical equipment available on the 'Cristobal Colon'.

Crew personnel of the F-105 have participated in pre-exercise briefings in preparation for the Dynamic Guard 24-II exercise, in which they are to take part. This exercise is designed to provide tactical training to the Allied Reaction Force (ARF) in electronic warfare and missile defense. It takes place off the coast of Greece during this first week of September. The F-105 will participate as an anti-aircraft warfare Commander, contributing its assets to the training of several NATO nations

During her integration, the 'Cristóbal Colón' will contribute to the operations, providing a high air defense and detection capacity thanks to its AEGIS combat system and the SPY-1D multifunction radar. The ship deploys with personnel from the Airborne Air Unit (UNAEMB) of the 10th Aircraft Wing and an Operational Security Team (EOS) from the ‘Tercio de Armada (TEAR)’.
