The facilities of the Lešť instruction and training area are the scenario where the exercise 'Strong Cohesion24' (STCN24) is taking place. It is an assessment exercise of the multinational battlegroup currently led by the Czech Republic in the framework of a high-intensity conflict.
The aim of the exercise is to train Multinational Brigade units in the planning and execution of military operations focused on improving interoperability and collective defence readiness according to NATO Art. 5.
The Spanish contingent is participating with an Infantry Company, a Reconnaissance Section and a Counter Tank Defence Section, as well as various personnel in the management and control part of the exercise.
During 'Strong Cohesion24', the ability to plan and direct activities across the spectrum of all tactical functions, in the fields of manoeuvre, fires, command and control, logistics, intelligence, force protection and information was assessed.
The exercise was directed by the 2nd Mechanized Brigade "Prešovská" of Slovakia, based in the town of Prešov.
Regarding the contribution of the rest of the countries, it was as follows:
On April 25, the Joint Allied Power Demonstration Day was held, attended by civilian and military authorities from different countries. On the Spanish side, noteworthy was the presence of General Carlos Prada Larrea, Operations Deputy of the Operations Command (MOPS in Spanish) and General Alfonso Pardo de Santayana Galbis, head of the Galicia VII Brigade (BRILAT in Spanish), as well as civilian representatives from the Spanish embassy in Slovakia.