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Spanish participation in Exercise ‘Furious Wolf’ in the Baltic Sea

In Latvia
September 3, 2024
  • The Spanish Joint Terminal Attack Control (JTAC) team takes part in this exercise in the Baltic countries

Participation in Exercise ‘Furious Wolf’ of the Spanish JTAC team (Joint Terminal Attack Controller) deployed on the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence mission in Latvia.

The Spanish team, along with their counterparts from the different contingents that are in the Baltic, have been working on the different stages of this training, which began in mid-August 2024. Teams from the countries deployed in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland have participated in it, namely Canada, Italy, Spain, Denmark, France, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands and the United States.

This exercise is divided in three parts, each of which has taken place in a Baltic country. The exercise started in Estonia, continues in Lithuania and will end in Latvia. German and Italian Eurofighters from the Baltic Air Policing, as well as land units of the British Army, the Lithuanian Land Force and the Latvian National Armed Forces, are involved in the exercise.

This type of joint specific training demonstrates the firm commitment of all the allies in the defence and protection of the Baltic countries and the integration of the Alliance members.

JTAC team

This term refers to a team whose mission is to allow, from land, the coordination and joint use of Close Air Support (CAS) air attacks, which provides fighter aircrafts both from our Air and Space Force and that of any other ally.

To this end, the team follows a complex training programme, as well as highly demanding tests that enable them to assess themselves and maintain their level of capabilities. In addition, a very advanced English level is required in order to be able to communicate in critical situations including interference and noise, with the rest of the countries participating in the action.
